*the giveaway has ended, this is why it wasn't included in this updated blog post.
Hi ladies! I finally got around to doing this… *Smiles* So Here it is, my softcup review!
I have been using the softcup since they first came out. I really like how comfortable they are and that they are an AMP (Alternative Menstrual Product… I.E. anything other than conventional pads and tampons)! They really hold my flow and that is a lot to give a cup! Now, I do not consider them “true” menstrual cups, and wouldn’t say to someone, “Try a Softcup out, then buy a Diva cup.” They are just too different to say that… A friend of mine had a very bad experience with a traditional silicone menstrual cup but LOVES Softcups. They come in a box of 6, 14, or 24 disposables or their reusable in a set of 2. I have not yet tried the reusable kind as I couldn’t find them near me but, I contacted Softcup and they kindly offered to send me a sample of it! You *can* technically reuse a disposable one and usually I try to wear them twice just to cut down on plastic waste. They are fairly cost effective and you can use their $2 off coupon from their website (making them 25cents per 12 hours vs 4 hours for 2o cents on tampons) . www.softcup.com :) They also have a super cool wrapper that allows you to insert it, save the wrapper, wait 12 hours, take it out, dump the fluid, and place the softcup back into the wrapper so it can safely go into a waste basket or “lady stuff box”. The softcup doesn’t have TSS risk, you cannot feel it once in, you can swim in it, you can have sex with it in, and personally I love the cost! Here are some pics :)
^ this is the softcup box, found in my walmart. they are usually next to the tampons
^ softcup back and info
^ this is the softcup in it’s wrapper
^ if you carefully open the wrapper, you can save it as a pocket and stuff it in there for disposal later
^ so you can see the pocket it makes
^ you can see the basic softcup, the inner material is very thin and the outer is slightly bendy plastic
^ the folded softcup sideways
^ here is the point of insertion tip on the Lunette and softcup
Very good pics from Melissa L. from www.menstrualcupinfo.blogspot.com …
So overall, I would say I really like this cup. It is comfortable for me and works fine. It just isn’t a “normal” cup.
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